RD white paper  (1200 x 500 px)-May-22-2024-10-30-48-7074-PM

Shorten Start-Up Timelines in Vaccine Trials
Six Factors Critical to Success 

Speed is crucial in clinical development, especially for infectious disease vaccine trials. Factors like competition and global health crises make time-to-market vital. The COVID pandemic has set a new standard for vaccine development, with some trials completing in under a year. Prioritization and special waivers helped achieve this speed, resetting expectations. We believe that six areas are most significant in impacting the efficiency of the study start-up phase: 

Download our ebook to gain insights and strategy in how to:

  • Leverage local expertise to avoid delays
  • Engage key personnel early to ensure alignment
  • Navigate regulatory and ethical approvals efficiently
  • Develop and implement a robust operational plan
  • Develop effective recruitment strategies
  • Harness technology to accelerate building the trial database